Diseaseless Program - Why Men Store Fat On Stomach

Remove the fat from the abdomen - Belly fat may be delayed not only women but also men, and some all too much “settle” there. How to remove all unnecessary bellies? How to make the fat burn?

Why men store fat on stomach? If many women lose their beauty after childbirth, it would seem, active men, this problem should not touch. But there it was. For More Information Visit Diseaseless Program.

In fact, representatives of a strong half of humanity too often find in the mirror belly impressive size and excess fat. Before you figure out how to remove all unnecessary, it is worth listing the reasons stocks deposits in the abdominal area:

Overeating - Yes, the stronger sex should eat more than women, because of their physical activity above. But many are abusing food, without noticing it. And ignorance of the measures has consequences.

Sedentary lifestyle - If you lead a sedentary lifestyle because of their profession or other circumstances, it is logical that all incoming carbohydrates and fats simply will not have time to burn per day and will be delayed “in reserve”. Read Further Diseaseless Program (About us)

Low levels of the hormone testosterone. It is this hormone controls weight and muscle mass, as well as metabolism. And if the amount is reduced, the weight will start to grow.

Age - With age, almost all the metabolism slows down, so that fats and carbohydrates are burned more slowly and excess admission or insufficient cleavage will be retained in men in the belly area.


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